Scene: Ross's apartment. Ross is totally wasted, but he's still drinking all the margaritas. Ross: The first batch of margaritas was not so great, but the second batch is gooooood. Rachel: Well, maybe the next batch, we could all get some. Ross: Oh, guys, this is fun, isn't it? You know? Just the four of us. Just hangin'. Joey: Dude, are you okay? And when are the fajitas gonna be ready? Ross: I'm fine! Hey, I'm great! I'm just.. I'm just proud of us. There's no weirdness, no tension. Rachel: No awareness. Ross: We make a great foursome. We should do more stuff together. Ooh! Let's take a trip. Okay, where do you think we - we can go? (The oven timer pings in the kitchen.) Ross: My fajitas!! (He runs off to the kitchen.) Rachel: Look, Charlie, I just want you to know. Ross is just having a little trouble adjusting to the thought of Joey and me. You know, he normally doesn't drink like this. Charlie: Oh, you know what? This is nothing. My father is a raging alcoholic. (Joey and Rachel don't know how to respond to that.) Charlie: Oh, I'm sorry, have I made this evening uncomfortable? (Ross enters carrying a frying pan with fajitas - without any oven mitts.) Ross: Fajitas! Be careful, very hot plate, very hot plate!! Rachel: Ross, you don't even have oven mitts on! (Ross laughs.) Ross: That is gonna hurt tomorrow!

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